Pupillage News and the Pupillage Interview Survival Kit

Examples taken from this text include underpinning the importance of an objective criteria within the selection process, short-listing for pupillage, composition of the interview panel and the expected training of the panellists to prevent poorly conducted interviews.

The age of ‘No Bar to the Bar’ has arrived!

The Bar Council has launched a new website today called ‘No bar to the Bar’, for all those who aspire to became practicing barristers.

New Additions, Links And Updates On The Pupillage Blog

The Pupillage Blog has been updated. Additions, revisions and updates can be found within the left hand column of the blog and include Life as a Pupil, Barristers Toolkit along with Pupillage Interviews and Application Writing.

News From Chambers – Update!

Featured news this week comes from the following chambers: 3 Paper Buildings, 1 Hare Court, 1 Inner Temple Lane and 15 New Bridge Street. Additionally this week, the ‘Court Diary’ focuses upon recruitment for chambers, pupillages and notable successes within the court room!

Pupillage News and Important Links for Pupillage Applications

It has to be said, that one of the most searched terms on the blog is that of a ‘covering letter for pupillage’. Providing a succinct application which meets the expectations in content for any perspective Pupillage Committee is an absolute must.