Merry Christmas and The Pupillage Proms Part III

New features added to The Pupillage Blog, include 3rd six pupillage opportunities and The Daily Pupillage Blog News, a daily publication of hand-picked legal news.

The Pupillage Fair & The Pupillage Proms Part II

With a lull before the storm of the online pupillage applications through the Pupillage Portal, the TARGETjobs National Pupillage Fair will soon be upon us.

From Barrister to Composer – The Pupillage Proms

We all come to the Bar with differing skills and abilities, to which I hope that I am no exception to the rule.

The Pupillage Hunt Continues …. Armed With A Little Light Relief!

..I was pleased to receive my copy of ‘The Training Contract & Pupillage Handbook – 2010’ this week (definite must have!!). Having marked the salient pages of intent, I will now in earnest highlight the prospective chambers and place them in my sights. Of course it goes without saying that all feedback generated will be reported back to the nerve centre here at ‘PupillageBlog.Com’….

From Pro Bono to the Pupillage Proms

So now how can a ‘bewildered would be barrister’ keep up to speed with their advocacy and legal skills whilst waiting stage left in the wings for pupillage?